Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Coming Coup: Updating Michael Anton - by Mark Wauck

The Coming Coup: Updating Michael Anton - by Mark
"Back in September, 2020, Michael Anton wrote one of his prescient articles. 
It’s one of those articles that, three years later, it’s worth going back for a reread:

The Coming Coup?

Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes.

Anton saw the Deep State and Ruling Class coming together and openly planning a coupTrump must be removed, come what may. Here’s the nub of it, but read the article for the details as he saw them at the time:

The first rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy. The second rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy.

So why are the Democrats—publicly—talking about the conspiracy?

Because they know that, for it to succeed, it must not look like a conspiracy. They need to plant the idea in the public mind, now, that their unlawful and illegitimate removal of President Trump from office will somehow be his fault.

Never mind the pesky detail that the president would refuse to leave only if he were convinced he legitimately won. Remember: Biden should not concede under any circumstances...

There's much, much more, foreseeing the J6 kangaroo courts, the lawfare against Trump, etc. Anton goes through Plans A-E--and then some. And finally he gets to Plan F.
They really, really hate us.

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