Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Economy's 'Red Death' Will Come for DC, Too - American Thinker

The Economy's 'Red Death' Will Come for DC, Too - American Thinker - By J.B. Shurk 
"In Edgar Allan Poe's short story, "The Masque of the Red Death," a group of nobles wall themselves off from the surrounding country to avoid a devastating plague...Eventually, however, the "Red Death" finds its way into their "safe space" and eviscerates their fantasy...trapped inside a fortress of their own making, they soon perish.
  • This is a story that every D.C. power player should read. 
 The rift between Beltway conventional wisdom and the day-to-day reality of ordinary Americans is growing into an unbridgeable crevasse.
  • While families struggle to afford food, fuel, and essentials for young children, the White House continues to assure Americans that the economy has never been better
  • While the Department of Homeland Security insists that America's borders are secure and that illegal immigration is under control, small towns across the country struggle to deal with spiking fentanyl deaths, transnational crime networks, and forced multiculturalism that often drives a wedge within communities. 
  • International trade deals that were negotiated and signed by residents of D.C. have hollowed out once thriving industrial towns and left multiple generations of blue-collar workers poor and adrift.
The "Rust Belt" has never been more corroded, yet Wall Street and Washington seem to be doing better than ever. 
It is as if the wealthiest and most influential Americans have holed themselves up inside a luxurious castle, so that they may ignore the devastation afflicting the rest of the country...

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