Thursday, August 17, 2023

The State of Loneliness - Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

The State of Loneliness - Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles
"Senator Chris Murphy(D) has proposed combating widespread loneliness in the country by creating a National Office of Loneliness. 
This new arm of the government would use the CDC to 
  • track loneliness statistics and 
  • develop a national strategy to fight loneliness 
  • including creating guidelines telling Americans how many friends they should have to be less lonely.
The only ones keeping company with the National Office of Loneliness would be the myriad of other White House offices including the 
  • Office of Public Engagement, the 
  • Office of Neighborhood Partnerships, and the 
  • Office of Communications which all claim to talk to the public. 
With so many government offices talking to us, how can we possibly be lonely?
Inviting the CDC to fight loneliness is like ushering an arsonist into a house party...

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