Monday, August 07, 2023

The truth about Ukraine is beginning to leak out and Americans ought to be furious about the lies they’ve been told and are still being told -

The truth about Ukraine is beginning to leak out and Americans ought to be furious about the lies they’ve been told and are still being told -
"After pouring more than $100 billion in taxpayer dollars into the black hole known as Ukraine, the neocon war hawks in Washington and London will have a lot of explaining to do when Ukraine implodes into chaos. 
Poland will likely move in to take a spoil in the western provinces, settling an old score against the Ukrainians, while Russia will take parts of the east. 
Below, Martin Armstrong explains the ugly history that makes Ukraine the cesspool of corruption that it is today — history of which Americans and Brits are almost completely ignorant. (Notes in parentheses are mine).
Guest Post by Martin Armstrong
Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse...

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