Tuesday, August 15, 2023

This half-truth/fake-news is why so many support Biden-----CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production

CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production Watts Up With That? - FAKE NEWS
David Middleton
  • CNN’s Matt Egan must be a very special kind of stupid…Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records
By Matt Egan, CNN Business - August 9, 2023
"Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry that is hurting consumers at the gas pump. And yet, on his watch, US oil production is poised to shatter all-time records set during the Trump administration.
US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday...

This has to be the stupidest thing ever written by a moronic journalist:
...The day before Matt Egan’s moronic article was published…
  • Biden: I Wanted ‘to Stop All Drilling’ on the Coasts and Gulf, Got Blocked by Courts
by IAN HANCHETT 8 Aug 2023
During an interview with The Weather Channel that is set to air on Wednesday, a portion of which aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden said that he “wanted to stop all drilling on the East Coast and the West Coast and in the Gulf” but was blocked by the courts from doing so...

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