Saturday, August 26, 2023

USDA is not your friend - by Robert W Malone MD, MS

USDA is not your friend - by Robert W Malone MD, MS
"...I often argue that the death warrant for small town America (and the decentralized family farms that supported it) was signed by Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture under the Nixon and Ford Administrations.

In theory , his mission as Secretary of Ag was to assist small farmers. However he wrote them off with a flip remark which has become infamous.

Get big or get out!

To provide some sense of the man, Mr. Butz’ political career abruptly ended when John Dean (yes, that John Dean) reported the following exchange in an article published in the issue of Rolling Stone dated October 7:

Dean wrote:

Pat [Boone] posed a question: “John and I were just discussing the appeal of the Republican party. It seems to me that the party of Abraham Lincoln could and should attract more black people. Why can’t that be done?” This was a fair question for the secretary, who is also a very capable politician.

“I’ll tell you why you can’t attract coloreds,” the secretary proclaimed as his mischievous smile returned. “Because colored only wants three things. You know what they want?” he asked Pat.

Pat shook his head no; so did I.

“I’ll tell you what. In today's AV world,  coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. That's all!”

Pat gulped twice.

Fast forward to today, just a few decades later we have the “harvest of deception” described by Texas Slim, laboratory fermentation produced “meat” involving cultured cell lines (“cultivated meat”), and World Economic Forum (WEF) efforts to discourage meat consumption

Examples of the latter (WEF) include the following essays and position papers, among many others:

Eating lots of meat is bad for the environment

Why eating less meat is the best way to tackle climate change

Here’s a simple way to convince people to eat less meat

Biotech can provide solutions to the global food crisis. Here’s how

Have we reached the end of meat?...

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