Friday, August 18, 2023

What Do “Gainful Employment” Regulations Accomplish?

What Do “Gainful Employment” Regulations Accomplish?
"The Biden administration will soon implement a set of regulations that are commonly known as “Gainful Employment.” 
These regulations would restrict some college programs’ eligibility to participate in federal financial-aid programs like Pell grants and student loans.
The Higher Education Act, originally passed in 1965 and amended many times over the years, includes a provision that requires “vocational” programs to prepare students for “gainful employment.”...
As a matter of logic, this definition fails miserably. 
Under it, a 
  • master’s in business administration from the Wharton School is not considered vocational
  • but a master’s degree in social work from a for-profit college is. 
Unfortunately, when you pit logic against the law, the law wins...

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