Saturday, August 19, 2023

Where liberals rule-----Hundreds Of New Yorkers Protest ‘Tent City’ For 1,000 Illegal Immigrant Men Opening Near Elementary School

Hundreds Of New Yorkers Protest ‘Tent City’ For 1,000 Illegal Immigrant Men Opening Near Elementary School - By Zach Jewell
"Hundreds of New York City residents gathered in Queens on Wednesday to protest the opening of a shelter that is expected to house around 1,000 illegal immigrant men near an elementary school and senior center.
The protesters held up signs and chanted “no tent city,” opposing the move by state officials to house illegal immigrants in the new shelter as hotels and homeless shelters in the Big Apple are overrun with thousands of people who illegally entered the country and were bused to New York. 
The tent city, approved by state leaders, opened Tuesday after being set up in 10 days in the parking lot of a psychiatric facility in Queens, Fox 5 reported...

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