Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Why you can't trust the US government data

Why you can't trust the US government data -STEVE KIRSCH
"...The point of this article is to show you why US government data cannot be trusted as being accurate.
I’m going to show you how you can show that the CMS Nursing Home Data, which is supposed to be the gold standard, is crap with just 3 examples...
  • Do you know why the record level public health safety data on vaccines isn’t publicly available? 
Until recently, the US government never released record-level data on anything regarding public health other than deaths
But that’s not helpful because you can’t trace it back to any causes like a vaccination.
In general, you only get to see the data summaries they want you to see; you never get to see the “source code” so to speak.
In general, the reason you almost never get to see the record-level data is because it would expose two things:
  • They are lying to you about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. There are many nursing homes showing data that clearly shows the vaccines are disaster in nursing home after nursing home where the weekly death rates skyrocketed right after the vaccine rollout.
  • Some of the underlying data used in their analyses is very unreliable and can completely skew the aggregate numbers, such as COVID deaths > COVID infections or thousands of deaths in a facility with just 50 beds.
In short, it would destroy confidence in their narrative...

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