Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Worth you time!-----Medicine, changes and intimidation

Great to learn from professor Robert Clancy. Every time I learn so much. 
  • Robert is a consultant physician and pioneering immunologist, professor of medicine, emeritus professor of pathology, doctor of medicine, doctor of philosophy and doctor of science, author, teacher and broadcaster. 
Also holder of the Order of Australia.

"I always work on the basis that every patient is smarter than I am." Best quote I've ever heard from a doctor. Wish every doctor practiced with this very attitude.
Robert Clancy is the best person that John Campbell has on his videos.  He is modest, extremely good at explaining complex issues to laypeople and never blames people for their errors.  I could watch/listen to John and Robert all day long.  I think that the guideline process discussed today has been coming for years.  During a relatively recent trip to my GP (4-5  years ago) it was clear that she was looking at the computer screen for proposed medication for my numbers and it was only when I refused to take an additional blood pressure tablet that she even looked at achieving the same effect with different rather than additional medication.  If doctors only respond to guidelines it won't be long before they're replaced by bots.

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