Thursday, September 21, 2023

After wasting 10s of millions of "free" covid money!-----As budget shortfall looms, Seattle City Council debates need for new revenue | The Seattle Times

As budget shortfall looms, Seattle City Council debates need for new revenue | The Seattle Times
"With the city budget projected to come up short by $224 million on average in 2025 and 2026, a revenue work group, convened by Mayor Bruce Harrell in October, has asked the City Council to explore nine possible new revenue sources.
  • The work group, which has been meeting without allowing the public to attend, concluded this week and offered a list of potential revenue sources for the council to study , but made no formal recommendations or legislation.
  • Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, who chairs the Finance & Housing Committee and led the work group, said the group was asked to review “Seattle’s tax structure and identify ways to make it more equitable and raise new progressive revenue,” before presenting the list of options to the committee on Thursday.

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