Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Answer? No!-----Can Biden’s Jobs Number Be Trusted Any More?

Can Biden’s Jobs Number Be Trusted Any More? - I & I Editorial Board
"President Joe Biden has staked so much on his claim that he’s “created” 13.5 million jobs since taking office that it’s worth asking if his Labor Department is now goosing job growth figures to help him out.
  • On Friday just before the holiday weekend, Labor released its estimates for job growth in August – which it said worked out to 187,000, beating economists’ forecasts.
  • But at the same time, the government cut the job growth numbers for the previous two months by a total of 110,000.
  • As a matter of fact, Labor has quietly cut its initial job growth estimates for every month this year.
“Every single month this year has seen its payroll numbers revised down. It’s difficult to stress how unusual this is as it’s so statistically unlikely. There is clearly something wrong with the estimations being done by President Joe Biden’s Department of Labor,” said EJ Antoni, an economist at the Heritage Foundation.

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