Tuesday, September 12, 2023

BIDEN’S BETRAYAL OF 9/11- much here, read all!

Instapundit - BIDEN’S BETRAYAL OF 9/11

"BIDEN’S BETRAYAL OF 9/11: Biden robbed 9/11 families, freed an alternate 9/11 hijacker, and gave $2B to the Taliban. Now he’s boycotting the official commemorations.

In an exclusive investigation, Front Page Magazine reported that when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, 9/11 families became able to collect damages from the country’s bank reserves that were located in New York. Biden’s decision to enable the Taliban takeover had made it possible for victims to actually collect on a previous judgment against the Taliban.

Biden, reacting with all the ruthless speed that had been completely absent when Americans were trapped behind enemy lines in Kabul, rushed to freeze the money so the families couldn’t collect, apportioned half for “humanitarian aid” to the Afghans (over and above the $800 million he had already provided to the terror zone) and fought 9/11 families in court for the rest...

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