Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Big-pharma as "trustworthy" as Big-media...Hunter Biden!-----Is it a coincidence that this mistake coincided w/CDC’s controversial decision to recommend Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for kids as young as 12?

Is it a coincidence that this mistake coincided w/CDC’s controversial decision to recommend Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for kids as young as 12?
In May of '21, CDC falsely claimed that children accounted for 4% of Covid deaths.
But the real data showed the true number was four-hundredths of one percent (.04%).
Is it a coincidence that this mistake coincided w/CDC’s controversial decision to recommend Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for kids as young as 12?
Who's been held accountable for these mistakes and misinformation? Preorder my new book. It says a lot. #FollowtheScience

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