Monday, September 25, 2023

Buying votes with your money!-----Whitmer pension grants are a $553M bailout for governments

Whitmer pension grants are a $553M bailout for governments
  • Michigan municipalities that made promises they can’t keep get half-billion dollar bailout - By Jamie A. Hope
"The state of Michigan has extended a half-billion dollar bailout to local government pension funds in the 2024 budget. 
That’s not how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer describes it, depicting the bailout as putting money “back into Michigan seniors’ pockets.”
But that’s not how the governor’s plan works...
  • Flint has had an underfunded pension system for years. Its pension system was only 29% funded as of June 2022. It has $391.6 million in unfunded obligations...
  • The city will receive $170 million from state taxpayers under Whitmer’s plan...

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