Sunday, September 10, 2023

By Every Historical Precedent, the Next Act Will be War

By Every Historical Precedent, the Next Act Will be War - Mark Lewis
  • The following quote is a bit lengthy, but please read it through. 
  • It is a brilliant and tragic analysis:
“The History of Japan is an unfinished drama in which three acts have been played...
“By every historical precedent, the next act will be war...” 
The words above were written in 1935, six years before the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor and the beginning of World War II in the Pacific...
Perhaps, by 1935, it was too late to thwart the Japanese aggression. But the point is still well made. 
By our failure to study history, by our not seeking to understand a foreign and much-different people, when the “crisis” came, there was war and not peace... ignorance of history is an inexcusable tragedy for a nation. 
  • It is also what totalitarian, Leftist regimes, like the Democratic Party, want. 
Karl Marx: “Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.”...
Is war between America and China inevitable? 
“By every historical precedent...” America, the great world power. 
China, the upstart, is seeking grander glory and self-aggrandizement. 
Who stands in the way of China? 
Only one nation. 
The United States. 
Are we going to give up our place in the world to somebody else? 
No nation in history has ever voluntarily done so. 
That IS a historical absolute.

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