Tuesday, September 05, 2023

CNBC's List of 'Worst States to Live In' Perfectly Illustrates the Left's Political Pathology

CNBC's List of 'Worst States to Live In' Perfectly Illustrates the Left's Political Pathology - By Bonchie
"...CNBC is here to let you know what the "10 worst states to live in" are. 
Apparently, many of you are living in an oppressive third-world hellhole and just didn't know it. 
Thankfully, our liberal betters are here to set the record straight.
So what are the states in question? 
  • Coming in at number 10 is Florida, followed by Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. 
Yes, according to these geniuses, one of the most popular destinations in the country is actually the worst state to live in.
What are the reasons given? 
Here's what the "study" says about Tennessee... (read 'em all!)

Tennessee has enthusiastically passed laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, even if it has meant crossing the bounds of constitutionality — like a ban on drag shows where children are present...

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