Sunday, September 17, 2023

Draconian CA Fast Food Bill, 'Will Result in a Devastating Financial Blow'

Draconian CA Fast Food Bill, 'Will Result in a Devastating Financial Blow'
"...The National Owners Association, which advocates for McDonald’s franchisees, is not happy:
"The new ‘AB 1228’ legislation has been voted into law and will result in a devastating financial blow to California McDonald’s franchisees at a projected annual cost of $250,000 per McDonald’s restaurant,"...
Here are some of the new rules franchisees will face if Governor Gavin Newsom signs the bill into law (which he has already pledged to do):
  • It would raise the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 per hour.
  • It would apply to restaurants with at least 60 locations nationwide, except for restaurants that make and sell their own bread.
  • It would also create a 10-person council to govern fast-food chains and set guidelines for working conditions and wages.
Why are restaurants that make their own bread exempt? I'm guessing some well-financed lobbying group got that language inserted...

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