Friday, September 08, 2023

Early warning: Feds alerted to whistleblower concern over Hunter Biden business deals in 2015 | Just The News

Early warning: Feds alerted to whistleblower concern over Hunter Biden business deals in 2015 | Just The News - By John Solomon
  • Morgan Stanley whistleblower raised concerns to bank, federal regulators about “fraudulent” schemes, “suspicious” transactions.
"Banking whistleblowers first began raising alarms about Hunter Biden’s business deals as long ago as Spring 2015 while his father was still serving as vice president, flagging what they feared were “suspicious” transactions and “fraudulent" schemes. 
  • One of the bankers became so concerned he eventually escalated his concerns to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) only a few days before Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, according to documents provided to Congress and obtained by Just the News...

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