Thursday, September 14, 2023

FBI official can't recall, refuses to answer questions over Hunter Biden whistleblower cover-up claims

FBI official can't recall, refuses to answer questions over Hunter Biden whistleblower cover-up claims
"WASHINGTON — A top FBI agent involved in the Hunter Biden investigation couldn’t recall or refused to answer several questions related to IRS whistleblower claims that the probe into the first son was impeded by the Justice Department...
IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who supervised the Hunter Biden tax fraud investigation for more than three years, claimed in bombshell congressional testimony earlier this year that during the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting between senior-level managers from the IRS, the FBI and the Delaware US Attorney’s Office, Weiss declared that he was not the “deciding official on whether charges are filed” against Hunter and revealed that US Attorney Matthew Graves would not allow him to charge Hunter for tax fraud in DC and said he asked for and was denied special counsel authority from the DOJ...

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