Monday, September 04, 2023

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next - Victor Davis Hanson
"...Yet the media can no longer hide the reality that the president of the United States likely took bribes to influence or alter U.S. policy to suit his payers. 
Those two crimes -- bribery and treason -- are delineated explicitly in the Constitution as impeachable offenses.
In denial, the media has instead pivoted with hysterical glee over various weaponized prosecutions of former President Donald Trump.
But now, to use a progressive catchphrase, the proverbial "walls are closing in" on Joe Biden.
So will we at last expect the media to confront the truth?
  • Answer -- only if Joe Biden's cognitive and physical health continues to deteriorate geometrically to the point that he can no longer finish his term or run for reelection -- and thus becomes expendable.
Such a cynical view of the media is justified, given their record of both incompetence and unapologetic deceit...

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