Sunday, September 10, 2023

Gotta read it all. Lunacy on our campuses!-----Art therapy needs ‘decolonization,’ academic paper argues

Art therapy needs ‘decolonization,’ academic paper argues - GIGI DE LA TORRE 
  • Western ideology has become the standard within the mental health field and continues to harm marginalized communities’
"Art therapy is offered through a “Western ideology” lens and needs “decolonization,” according to a recently published academic paper.
Titled “Furthering the Field of Expressive Arts Therapies Through Acts of Decolonization,” the 35-page paper explores how colonialism, under the guise of “Western ideology,” not only killed “millions of Native American Indians,” but continues to negatively influence art therapy and other aspects of society...
The article is Lesley University grad student Leticia Alcuran’s capstone thesis...the country must return to Native Americans and other “marginalized” communities their land and way of life.
She wrote colonialism has silenced and taken this away from Native Americans and other “marginalized” groups through domination, so much so that “Western ideology has become the standard within the mental health field and continues to harm marginalized communities.”...

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