Saturday, September 23, 2023

History for September 23

History for September 23 -
Caesar Augustus 63 B.C.
  • 1779 - John Paul Jones, commander of the American warship Bon Homme, was quoted as saying "I have not yet begun to fight!"
  • 1806 - The Corps of Discovery, the Lewis and Clark expedition, reached St. Louis, MO, and ended the trip to the Pacific Northwest.
  • 1930 - Flashbulbs were patented by Johannes Ostermeier.
  • 1951 - The first transcontinental telecast was received on the west coast. The show "Crusade for Freedom" was broadcast by CBS-TV from New York.
  • 1952 - Richard Nixon gave his "Checkers Speech". At the time he was a candidate for U.S. vice-president.

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