Friday, September 08, 2023

History for September 8

History for September 8 -
Sid Caesar 1922
  • 1565 - A Spanish expedition established the first permanent European settlement in North America at present-day St. Augustine, FL.
  • 1892 - An early version of "The Pledge of Allegiance" appeared in "The Youth's Companion."
  • 1966 - NBC-TV aired the first episode of "Star Trek" entitled "The Man Trap". The show was canceled on September 2, 1969.
  • 1974 - U.S. President Ford granted an unconditional pardon to former U.S. President Nixon.
  • 2015 - British researchers announced that evidence of a larger version of Stonehenge had been located about 2 miles from the Stonehenge location. There were 90 buried stones that had been found by ground penetrating radar.

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