Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Horowitz: The open border reveals our backward homeland security mentality 22 years after 9/11 - TheBlaze

Horowitz: The open border reveals our backward homeland security mentality 22 years after 9/11 - TheBlaze

The central lesson of 9/11 is that we had too many dangerous people who should never have been in the country who were able to operate and plot evil acts undetected. We needed to focus on our own border and immigration system rather than saving the world. Yet we did the exact opposite. We squandered two decades refereeing Sunni-Shia civil wars and then bringing in dangerous people from both sides of them. Here we are today, with an open and lawless border and millions of people pouring in every year, not just from Latin America but from all over the world, with zero accountability. We built a police state after 9/11, yet it’s nowhere to be found in protecting us from external threats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the key attributes of being a real nation involves secure, defendable, and defended, controlled borders. We do not have that. So what does that make us when we justwatch hundreds of thousands and millions of hostile foreign invaders pour into our country?

Subotai Bahadur