Wednesday, September 13, 2023

If you must "trust" government, make sure to VERIFY!-----JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800 - American Thinker

JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800 - American Thinker - By Jack
"...Having gathered information through his own network of aviation insiders, Russell sent a summary e-mail to his associates with the message, “TWA Flight 800 was shot down by a U.S. Navy guided missile ship which was in area W-105. It has been a cover-up from the word go.”...
  • As to Salinger’s motives, Russell believes that he seriously disliked the Clintons. He remained a loyal enough Democrat, however, to sit on his information until it lost its political punch. He broke his silence at an aviation conference in the French resort city of Cannes two days after the November 4 presidential election...
  • When Salinger went public, the FBI was still a year away from closing the case, however deceptively. That uncertainty did not stop the Times from savaging Salinger and anyone else who challenged the shifting party line...
  • What Johnson was attempting to do, and he was hardly unique in so doing, was to paint TWA 800 as one wacky anti-Clinton conspiracy out of many. 
  • What he did not do -- no one at the Times did after the first two days -- was speak to any of the 258 FBI witnesses to a likely missile strike...

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