Friday, September 22, 2023

In South Carolina, a classroom anti-discrimination law is working - American Thinker

In South Carolina, a classroom anti-discrimination law is working - American Thinker - By Andrea Widburg 
"In response to the racism inherent in Critical Race Theory (“CRT”)—i.e., that blacks are victims and whites are evil—18 states have passed laws prohibiting schools from engaging in race-based teaching. 
South Carolina was one of those states and, according to a laugh-out-loud funny article in the Washington Post, the law is working. Incidentally, the article isn’t intended to be funny. It is, instead, intended to be a heartrending human interest story about a martyred leftist female teacher who violated the law and got caught.
In its general appropriations bill for 2021-2022, the South Carolina legislature, for the first time, inserted a specific clause aimed at blocking leftist-style racism and sexism in education...

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