Thursday, September 07, 2023

Levin: The Democrat Party's fetish for the 14th Amendment is a vile attack on our elections directed at one man: Donald Trump - TheBlaze

Levin: The Democrat Party's fetish for the 14th Amendment is a vile attack on our elections directed at one man: Donald Trump - TheBlaze

The modern Democrat Party has an unhealthy fetish for the 14th Amendment, one of the three post-Civil War constitutional amendments. Democrats are constantly and relentlessly trying to rewrite it to accommodate their political ends.

A few months ago, Joe Biden and his party insisted that Section 4 of the 14th Amendment granted the president power to unilaterally increase the debt ceiling, which would destroy Congress’s sole power under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to tax, spend, and borrow. Of course, Section 4 of the 14th Amendment does no such thing, and there is nothing in the history of the amendment that supports such an interpretation. Here’s the relevant language:

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