Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Make no mistake, we've empowered the worst people in the world!-----Is it a crime to call a police officer a lesbian? - spiked

Is it a crime to call a police officer a lesbian? - spiked
"The arrest of a 16-year-old autistic girl for a ‘homophobic public-order offence’ raises some troubling questions.
Is it a crime to call a police officer a lesbian? 
Now there’s a question I never thought I’d have to pose. 
But following the release of shocking footage, showing a 16-year-old autistic girl being arrested by seven police officers over a ‘homophobic public-order offence’, it’s one that desperately needs to be answered.
...The mother claims that her daughter said to one of the officers, a blonde woman with short hair, that she ‘looked like her lesbian nana’. ‘You’re going to remove her for what, she said the word lesbian? Her nana is a lesbian, she’s married to a woman. She’s not homophobic’, the mother says in the clip...

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