Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Never trust these professional liars!-----Nothing To See Here: Hacktivist Media Two-Steps From No Evidence of Biden Wrongdoing To No ‘Direct’ Evidence

Nothing To See Here: Hacktivist Media Two-Steps From No Evidence of Biden Wrongdoing To No ‘Direct’ Evidence
"...They are either pretending not to understand the difference between 
  • an impeachment investigation and 
  • the filing of articles of impeachment, 
or they do actually know the difference and are counting on their ill-informed readers not understanding said difference.
Either way, they are ludicrous in claiming there is no proof of wrongdoing by the corrupt Biden organized crime family and therefore no need for ::: checks notes ::: an inquiry into potential wrongdoing that rises to the level of impeachment-level offenses. The evidence for an inquiry is, of course, decidedly there.

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