Thursday, September 14, 2023

No worries for Jenny, not her car. Not her money. YOU, on the other hand...-----Jennifer Granholm’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad EV trip

Jennifer Granholm’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad EV trip - By James David Dickson
"Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm’s four-day electric vehicle road trip was designed to pitch EVs to a skeptical public. 
But the journey’s 
  • long charging times, 
  • a dispute with another EV driver over scarce energy resources, and 
  • finally a 911 call 
drove even National Public Radio to voice doubts about electric vehicles — at least the ones made in the state Granholm used to govern....
“You are in the center of it,” she said. “Imagine how big clean energy industries will be in 13 years. How much stronger our economy is going to grow. How many good-paying jobs we’re going to create — and where we are going to lead the world.”...

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