Monday, September 25, 2023

Now They’re Just Poking Their Fingers in Our Eyes - By Clarice Feldman

Now They’re Just Poking Their Fingers in Our Eyes - By Clarice Feldman
"Reading this week’s news of the Biden Administration, I kept thinking of the Three Stooges poking fingers in each other’s eyes...
Here’s what reminded me of that slapstick routine and why I think the administration is just being aggressively stupid...
But these are the ones -- in no particular order -- that struck me this week.)
  • The Suit Against Elon Musk - This litigation strikes me as this week’s most easily understood misuse of the law to pester opponents and make them dig into their pockets to defend...
  • Not satisfied with one attack, the Biden administration is also investigating Musk for building a glass house near the company’s Texas headquarters. A case as frivolous as the other, for no such house was built or even planned. Private counsel filing such frivolous lawsuits would be subject to sanctions.


Just want to reiterate that there is no glass house (metaphors don’t count lol) built, under construction or planned! I’m not building any house of any kind anywhere. Period.

  • The Homeland Intelligence Experts Group - DHS has created a Homeland Intelligence Experts Group to deal with national security issues. Appointed to this group are James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officers who signed the October 2020 letter deceptively implying the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation.”...

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