Thursday, September 21, 2023

"Saving democracy"??-----If Biden is re-elected, “We will have saved American democracy”

If Biden is re-elected, “We will have saved American democracy”
"...His main message was that Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy democracy. 
The only way to save democracy, whatever that means, is to re-elect Joe Biden. 
It was classic Biden arrogance on display. 
  • Joe Biden and only Joe Biden can save democracy. 
If his state of mind wasn’t so sad, it’d be funny.
He’s running because democracy is at stake, you see...
He tried to use his advanced age as a source of wisdom and experience. 
He knows what to do.

“A lot of people seem focused on my age,” Biden said. “I get it. Believe me, I know it more than anyone.” But he said that he “knew what to do” with the ongoing Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and with threats to democracy. “That’s why I’m running,” he said.

He said that if he is reelected, “We will have saved American democracy,” Biden said. “I am more optimistic about the future of this country than in the 800 years I have served.” That got big laughs...

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