Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Scary place!-----Bryn Mawr College rolls out 59-point plan to combat ‘privilege, oppression perpetuated at the college’

Bryn Mawr College rolls out 59-point plan to combat ‘privilege, oppression perpetuated at the college’ - RAFAEL OLIVEIRA - THE KINGS COLLEGE 
  • New mandatory ‘Power, Inequity and Justice’ class part of institutional DEI overhaul
"Bryn Mawr College has re-energized its effort to promote diversity, equity and inclusion on campus, rolling out a 59-point action plan for the 2023-24 school year that encompasses every aspect of campus life, from curriculum to policies to financial aid.
Bryn Mawr College, a private all-female institution just outside Philadelphia, states on its website it needs to implement the plan to get a handle on “understanding of the processes by which power, privilege, and oppression are perpetuated at the College,where annual tuition costs $61,190, plus $18,690 for housing and meal plans...

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