Science Under Attack - New Study Suggests Solar Variability Can Explain 70% or More of Global Warming
  • Few people realize that the popular narrative of overwhelmingly human-caused global warming, with essentially no contribution from the sun, hinges on a satellite dataset showing that the sun’s output of heat and light has decreased since the 1950s.
  • But if a different but plausible dataset is substituted, say the authors of a new study, the tables are turned and a staggering 70% to 87% of global warming since 1850 can be explained by solar variability. The 37 authors constitute a large international team of scientists, headed by U.S. astrophysicist Willie Soon, from many countries around the world...
Unsurprisingly, such an upstart conclusion has raised some hackles in the climate science community. 
But the three lead authors of the study have effectively countered their critics in a lengthy, detailed rebuttal...