Thursday, September 07, 2023

Shouting down "fringe climate crisis deniers"!-----Jordan Peterson Generates Millions of YouTube Hits for Climate Crisis Deniers - DeSmog

Jordan Peterson Generates Millions of YouTube Hits for Climate Crisis Deniers
"Fringe climate crisis deniers who claim that the earth is “cooling” and greenhouse emissions are good for “biological productivity” are getting 
exposed to millions more people than they normally would on YouTube thanks to conservative influencer Jordan Peterson. 
That’s according to viewership data newly reviewed by DeSmog, which reveals a massive visibility boost for public figures who’ve been active in the climate denial movement for years but whose ideas — such as the claim that plants are growing much better due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — are now rarely taken seriously by most legacy media outlets...
This is especially worrying to climate scientists and disinformation experts because Peterson for years has been actively courting alienated males in their 20s and younger...

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