Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Stealing the education of YOUR children!-----Middle School Secretly Replaced Coding/Robotics With Unapproved Verizon-Sponsored 'Immersive Media' Class

Middle School Secretly Replaced Coding/Robotics With Unapproved Verizon-Sponsored 'Immersive Media' Class - By Jennifer Van Laar 
"The Glendale Unified School District (CA) has been in the news over the last several months because parents there are fighting back against a hypersexualized curriculum implemented with little-to-no parental input...

What a great way to get kids trained and hooked on your apps, obtain free photos and videos of the students for use in advertising your products, and gather data to keep those new customers loyal to Verizon for life (and likely for other purposes, too). 
  • And this is happening at hundreds of schools all across the country, under the guise of philanthropy...

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