Saturday, September 09, 2023

STUNNING: Ken Paxton Accuser and his Bushie Cohorts Went to FBI to Report on Paxton Without ANY Evidence of Wrongdoing - VIDEO | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

STUNNING: Ken Paxton Accuser and his Bushie Cohorts Went to FBI to Report on Paxton Without ANY Evidence of Wrongdoing - VIDEO | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
The Bushies and Karl Rove want Paxton gone. 
  • So they made up some accusations against him in an attempt to impeach him....
They just want Paxton gone...
The Ken Paxton accuser Ryan Vassar took the stand in the Texas Senate on Thursday in the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton. 
Attorney Mitch Little ate him alive.
  • Mitch Little and his RINO cohorts went to the FBI to report on Ken Paxton without ANY evidence of wrongdoing. 
  • Little admitted this during his testimony today.

Via Conservative Treehouse.

The third day of the Senate impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton continues today, with the group of deputy attorneys in his office (the Bush Clan) admitting they went running to the FBI for investigative support against Paxton, despite having no evidence of wrongdoing.  WATCH:

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