Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Teaching the teachers to teach hate!-----Columbia professor wants more than $2 trillion in education reparations for blacks | The College Fix

Columbia professor wants more than $2 trillion in education reparations for blacks | The College Fix

"The education professor who believes the American education system engages in the “spirit murder” of black children says the price tag for this “hurt” is more than … two trillion dollars.
The “award-winning” Bettina Love (pictured), now at Columbia University’s Teachers College, says her generation — “the Black children of the 1980s and 90s” — had to deal with “education reform merged with crime reform” that “put targets” on their backs...
And for this, Love, with the help of “a team of economists and policy experts,” breaks down how the $2 trillion in reparations should be spent:

— $1.1 billion for “being excluded from enriching curriculum.”

— $16 billion for the “unnecessary and violent presence” of SROs — school resource officers (cops).

— $6 billion for “unjust” (out-of-school) suspensions.

— $33 for “dilapidated buildings that are detrimental to [students’] well-being.”

— between $1.4 trillion and $1.9 trillion respectively for “earnings losses” due to education reforms and “pushout” (presumably suspensions and the like) and lack of black teachers...

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