Thursday, September 07, 2023

The economic case against Brexit has now totally collapsed.

Instapundit - OF COURSE IT DID: Brexit Worked: The economic case against Brexit has now totally collapsed.
"Revised GDP figures have exploded one of the most pervasive Remainer myths about UK economic growth.
“These updated figures suggest that the UK economy is as much as two per cent larger than previously believed. 
This means that the UK can no longer be considered the worst-performing economy in the G7. 
In fact, post-Brexit, the UK recovered from the pandemic at a similar rate to France and at a faster pace than Germany, Europe’s largest economy. 
The ONS’s revision is extraordinary. 
As one leading economist put it: ‘The entire UK economic narrative – post-pandemic – has just been revised away.’ The very basis for the Remainer elites’ narrative of doom has now been shattered before our eyes.”
Just as with our BLS, there’s a well-publicized figure that supports the preferred narrative, revised much later with much less publicity to a more truthful figure that does not. - by Glenn Reynolds

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