Tuesday, September 05, 2023

The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless | Washington Examiner

The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless | Washington Examiner - by Dan Hannan, Contributor
"It was all for nothing. Really, for nothing. 
  • The miseries we inflicted on ourselves after March 2020 — the school closures, the ruined businesses, the debts, the authoritarianism — were caused by a moment of lightheaded panic.
How can I be so sure? 
Because, three-and-a-half years on, the results are in. 
And, let me warn you, they make dismal reading for anyone who went along with the lockdowns. 
You see, there was a counterfactual all along. 
  • Sweden did not impose mask mandates or stay-at-home orders. It did not close its borders or its businesses...

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