Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Toronto Star: It's not a parent's right to know their child's gender identity Brett T.

Toronto Star: It's not a parent's right to know their child's gender identity Brett T.
"We told you earlier about Sage Blair, who was "transitioned" by her school without letting her parents know. 
Progressives think that schools should be safe spaces where transgender kids can be their authentic selves without worrying about their parents finding out. 
Laws requiring schools to disclose this to parents are part of the "trans genocide" campaign; California State Senator Scott Wierner believes such laws will get trans kids killed.
There was an opinion piece in the Toronto Star Sunday arguing that it's a parent's privilege, not a right, to know their own child's gender identity.
Julie Malbogat writes:
My son, Zack, is transgender. He told us — nonchalantly at bedtime — three years ago. Because he’s only 11, so far his transition has been strictly social: new pronouns, new clothes, new haircut, new name. With few exceptions, it’s been as nothingburger as it sounds...

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