Sunday, September 03, 2023

Twitter is full of “I’m so glad Biden is my president because he is just so empathetic” tweets these days.

Michael Smith-Twitter is full of “I’m so glad Biden is my president because he is just so empathetic” tweets these days. -Michael Smith
"Twitter is full of “I’m so glad Biden is my president because he is just so empathetic” tweets these days. Idiot GenZer and DNC shill, Victor Shi, tweeted:
“The Right can try and twist and lie about President Biden’s visit [to Maui] all they want but THIS is what the people of Maui saw — a comforting, empathetic, compassionate LEADER & decent human being. This is why we love him.”
...The media palace guards have been pulling overtime for a while now:
- “How Empathy Defines Joe Biden”, Forbes August 2020
- “Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Return of Empathy When America Needs It Most”, Time, November 7, 2920
- “Joe Biden: An Empathetic Leader Whose Time Has Come”, Forbes, November 7, 2020
- “Biden's Empathy Is What Matches Him to This Moment”, The Atlantic, November 2, 2020
I could go on, but you get the idea. 
Google “Joe Biden empathetic” and you will get literally thousands of articles about what an awesome dude Joe is...
The parents of the 13 soldiers killed in the Abbey Gate bombing at Hamid Karzi International in Kabul during the Biden Afghanistan withdrawal noticed Lunch Bucket Joe checking his watch multiple times during the return of their children’s bodies at Dover (of course, the media tried to explain away Biden’s conduct).
“It’s two fucking thirty, asshole!”
This were the words uttered into the Congressional record by Mark Schmitz, whose son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, was one of thirteen killed.

TWITTER.COM Dylan Housman on X

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