Wednesday, September 20, 2023

U.S. Air Force Finally Corrects 'Stolen Valor' Lies About Trump-Backed Candidate J.R. Majewski.

U.S. Air Force Finally Corrects 'Stolen Valor' Lies About Trump-Backed Candidate J.R. Majewski.
"The U.S. Air Force has added the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal to the record of former Congressional candidate J.R. Majewski, who was the subject of a false “stolen valor” smear campaign at the hands of the Democrat political establishment, as well as corporate media outlets during the 2022 mid term elections.
Majewski, 43, lost his race to Democrat Marcy Kaptur, 77, by around 35,000 votes after a protracted media campaign pushed by the Democrat-aligned “Due Diligence Group”...

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