Wednesday, September 06, 2023

What the Left Did to Our Country Will their upheaval succeed? By Victor Davis Hanson

What the Left Did to Our Country Will their upheaval succeed? - By Victor Davis Hanson
"In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence
  • the corporate boardroom, 
  • media, 
  • Silicon Valley, 
  • Wall Street, 
  • the administrative state, 
  • academia, 
  • foundations, 
  • social media, 
  • entertainment, 
  • professional sports, and 
  • Hollywood.
With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed....
And what a revolution Biden’s puppeteers have unleashed in less than three years...
  • Biden destroyed the southern border—literally...
  • “Modern monetary theory,” the Leftist absurdity that printing money ensures prosperity, followed. It has nearly bankrupted the country...
  • Biden warred on fossil fuels...
  • Suddenly, there are three genders, not two...
  • Race relations hit a 50-year nadir...

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