Saturday, September 09, 2023

When our leaders betray us!-----New energy bill could see Brits jailed for failing to comply with ‘cultish’ Net Zero regulations

New energy bill could see Brits jailed for failing to comply with ‘cultish’ Net Zero regulations
"U.K. businesses and homeowners could be jailed for up to a year or fined £15,000 for non-compliance with new energy efficiency regulations proposed by the Conservative government, which have been described by critics as a “massive expansion of the state and its power over our lives.”...
  • One such draconian regulation states that household appliances such as fridges, washing machines, and heat pumps must be fitted with smart functions that can be controlled by “any persons carrying out load control,” namely the National Grid, which oversees the majority of electricity transmission and distribution in Britain....
Energy Minister Andrew Bowie told fellow lawmakers that the bill is “world-leading” legislation that “will deliver for this country cleaner, cheaper, and more secure energy.”

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