Saturday, September 09, 2023

“You loot, we shoot” is Americans’ answer to the left’s plot to enslave them

“You loot, we shoot” is Americans’ answer to the left’s plot to enslave them - the Aspen beat
"...DeSantis gave a speech the other day about the aftermath of a hurricane that barreled through Florida. 
Concern had been expressed about looting in the wake of the disaster...
“People have a right to defend their property. This part of Florida, you got a lot of advocates and proponents of the Second Amendment, and I’ve seen signs in different people’s yards in the past after these disasters, and I would say it’s probably here – ‘You loot, we shoot.’”
He all but said “Make my day.”...
The police have been de-masculated, de-monetized, and de-monized. 
The left decided the police were racist...
That leaves what the lawyers call “self-help” and what the left calls “vigilantism.”...

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