Thursday, October 19, 2023

An ungovernable nation - Don Surber

An ungovernable nation - Don Surber
  • We need a divorce — from Washington.
"Reader John McCall, who writes John’s Substack, left an excellent comment yesterday.
He said, “Has it escaped anybody’s attention that this nation is ungovernable? A columnist, yesterday or so, wrote the first of a series on how to fix things. His first post made a cogent case for elimination of Civil Service so that unelected bureaucrats would be much less able to make policy according to their own agenda, rather than carry out the policies agreed to by elected officials.

“Anybody want to lay money on achieving THAT? There is a better chance of scorched earth in Gaza. The Uniparty is busy with destruction of this nation for the rest of us in order to gain it for themselves (and buy time to accomplish such by throwing the rest of us minimal scraps)...

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