Monday, October 02, 2023

For Some, Open Border Chaos Is the Goal | RealClearPolitics

For Some, Open Border Chaos Is the Goal | RealClearPolitics - By Pete McGinnis
  • Beware, the crisis at the southern border may be much worse than it appears.
Free Apple watches, bus and plane tickets all across the continental United States, and sophisticated lawyers standing by to counsel migrants...
  • The increase in crime may be the biggest concern. Violent crime rates are up, and violent incidents are prominent on the nightly news...
  • Human trafficking has gained more attention as its shocking reality is (very) slowly exposed...
  • Then there are the drugs. The opioid epidemic has gotten substantially worse in the last few years, with annual overdose deaths, after a slight decline from 2017 through 2019, increasing dramatically in the last several years. 
  • As if this isn’t bad enough, the opportunities for smuggling in other illegal contraband have increased as well...

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