Saturday, October 07, 2023

Ginning up the fear. So you'll open up your wallets!-----Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF | The Hill

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF | The Hill
  • Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from UNICEF.
"The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the past six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.
Most of the displacements were driven by flooding and storms, and children from the Philippines, India and China were most affected by these displacements...
Researchers warn that the number of displacements will only increase as climate change creates stronger weather effects, uprooting people across the globe from their homes...

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